9 November 2021
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Gavin has lived in Croydon for most of his life, and in the Purley Oaks area for around 12 years. His parents and grandparents all grew up close by.

He heard about the scheme through the Croydon Council email newsletter. The tree outside his house died a couple of years ago, so he saw this scheme as a good way of getting a new tree planted in the same spot.

Here he is, pictured on the left next to Croydon Council’s tree officer, Richard.

Gavin stood with council tree officer Richard next to an empty tree pit

A blossoming cherry would be nice, but I’m sure most people say that!  

Whatever will do well in the chalky soil we have though – I’m sure Richard, the tree officer, will choose something suitable.


Gavin has opted to water the new tree during the summer for the first 3 years of its life on his street, which is the best thing to do to make sure a tree not only survives, but goes on to thrive for many years into the future. No need to tell Gavin this however, as a few years back he used to take buckets of water to the trees that were planted in the next street after a hot day – thanks to his efforts, those trees are all flourishing now.

“In terms of community, the people I know round here are great. My mother lives nearby too, and her neighbours were wonderful when she was unwell recently.”

Sadly lots of the street trees in this area of Croydon are coming to the end of their life, so it’s important they are replaced so that future generations benefit from the shade, shelter and pollution-fighting properties they bring to their immediate area.

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